Friday, April 23, 2010

Today I am going to talk about my school volleyball team. We had such an amazing season. We went undefeated and won the name of conference champs. All of the girls on our team had their strengths that made our team the Woodland 8th grade green team. We also had really good coaches. They worked us so hard, sometimes to the point where the whole team wanted to faint but it was good for us. None of us ever wanted to do the super hard work outs but we knew if we tried really hard that it would be worth it in the end. We did not start off the season doing these really hard workouts but when the end of the season came around we started doing them. We started doing them because we had this one game that according to our coaches we did not move our feet enough. So after that game we had practice the next day and that is when we started these work outs. Some of the work outs we did were made up by the coaches but some of the other workouts were videos. They were all the same video made by the same guy but each video had a certain workout for each part. The videos were all P90x. Some were for plyometrics and others were like for cardio. Those were the ones that were the hardest from what I remember. We also had to run a lot. We did a lot of running like suicides, usually at the end of practice. We also sometimes did yoga. Our coach said we did yoga to relax our muscles and to cool down. We had a lot of tough practices but I bet that is why we did so good this season. I am so glad that we did this good my last year in middle school. It was an amazing way to end my sports in my last year.

As I have talked about before I play on a club volleyball team. It is called Sky High. Here os the link for it:

The girls on my team had so much talent. We were all like sisters, we all got along and we all were so close. We could tell eachother anything and we could come to eachother for advice or whatever. I am sure that because we all got along so well that it did help us with the actual game of volleyball. We were not on the court like yelling at eachother and stuff like that. We helped eachother out.

This is kind of like a shout out to my volleyball team. They were all such great girls. Each of them helped me with something in my life. It was either with life or volleyball or something else but they all helped me. I am so happy to have shared an amazing experience with such amazing girls.

-Sabrina :)