Friday, April 16, 2010

This time, on this blog today, I am going to tell you about the two different types of volleyball. One of the types of volleyball is beach volleyball. The other type is indoor volleyball. You usually see indoor volleyball most of the time. Indoor volleyball is the type you see in schools and stuff. Beach volleyball is so much different than indoor volleyball. Beach volleyball, in my opinion is so much harder than indoor volleyball. I have never actually played beach volleyball but I am going to start playing it through a club. Even though I have never done beach volleyball I know that will be tough. I think this just because of the obvious reason. That the courts for each type of volleyball are the same size but for beach volleyball you only play with two people on the court and in indoor volleyball you play with six. This obviously means that when you are playing beach volleyball you have to move your feet and talk way more than when you are in indoor. I am actually curious though, to find which court is easier to move your feet on like sand or hardwood floor. I would think that hardwood floor would be easier but I don't know. If you know anything about you can comment and tell me what you know :) I am really excited to see if when I start beach volleyball if I might like it more than indoor volleyball. It probably will not happen though because I love indoor volleyball so much. So beach volleyball would have to be like pretty much amazing for me to like it more than indoor. All my friends that have done beach volleyball have said that they like it a lot so I hope I do too. So I know a fair amount of stuff on beach volleyball but I don't know as much about beach volleyball as I do indoor obviously. I know that the two players should stand side by side not one in front of the other. There is though, a similarity between the two. If one of the players goes up to block than there needs to be another player up front covering just in case something goes wrong with block. For example if it rolls off the blockers fingers or the blocker misses it.

If you watch beach volleyball I am pretty sure that you will be really interested in it. Its really intense because of all the moving and talking and everybody yelling and screaming. I could not even really imagine how hard it is to play beach volleyball. I am sure it is probably a really tough work out. You definitely have to have a good relationship with your partner because it is just you and them on that court.

I hope you guys did like this blog. I always enjoy writing for people who share the same passion as me. See you all.

-Sabrina :)