Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This time I am going to talk about the rules of the game.
When you play at middle school age, during a game you play with rally scoring. Rally scoring is when there is a point scored to either team no matter what. So every time you play out the point one of the teams that are playing it out get a point. When you get to high school level it is usually the same type of scoring. You play the game untill one of the teams gets to 25 points. In some cases though, you might have to go over because you have to win by two points. So that means if the score is 25-24 the team with 25 would have to still win another point. You always play three games untill 25 but sometimes the third game is only played untill 15. This could be because the referee has to go somewhere or the teams do not have time to play untill 25.

Another type of scoring is called side-out scoring. This means that you can only win your team can only win the point if you are serving the ball. If you are the team that is recieving the ball and you win the rally, you do not get the point. Nobody does. Now the only way you can get a point is if you win the next point because you are the team that has the serve.

When you play three games it is the best out of three. If one team wins the first game and the other one wins the second than the the two teams have to play the third game to determine who wins. If one team wins the first two games then the third game is optional.

Again, I hope his helps you understand more about volleyball!

-Sabrina :)