Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My first post is going to be all about terms we use in volleyball. I am going to tell you all of this in my first post because if I say one of them during the next ones you might not know what I am talking about. Hopefully these will help you better understand what some of the words I am talking about mean.
ace-this is when the server serves it over and either the other team doesnt touch it or they try to hit the ball and it goes wherever
side out-this is when the other team is serving the ball at you ad you want to get the point back, it just basically means get the point
approach-this is what you do to get the most power in your spikes, for right handed people you go left right left and if you are a left handed person you go right left right, then you bend your knees and swing your arms to get power
spike-this is when you take an approach to jump and smack the ball to other side of the net,it is usually the third hit.
set-this is usually the second hit, it is also know as an overhand pass
kill-when you bump, set, or mostly spike the ball over the net and nobody on the other side touches the ball
serve-this is when you get the point the server goes to the back line and serves it over
lift/carry-when somebody tries to set the ball but sets it too low
double hit-when the setter hits the ball twice, you can usually tell this when the ball has a lot of spin to it
jump serve-its the same as the serve but you jump well serving
defense-this consists on bumping in the back row and blocking in the front

Hopefully now that you know the terms you will know more of what I am talking about :)
-Sabrina :)