Sunday, May 2, 2010

My blogging experience has been hard sometimes and the other times it has been really easy. I like the whole idea of writing about something I am interested in but I did not know what to write about. also sometimes I fell behind and it was really really hard to catch back up because there are always more blogs being assigned so once you fell behind on one you have to do two to catch up. I dont know if that was hard for anybody else but that was pretty hard for me. I think was hard for me because like I said before sometimes I wasnt sure what to write about. I spent so much time thinking about what I should be writing about when I should have been typing already. Also to save me some of that trouble I could have written more rough drafts to save me time. I only did that about twice. I did like a couple things about this though. I liked that I got to look deeper into something I love. I also like that I can share my knowledge about volleyball to people that have the same passion for me. I have enjoyed doing this blog and I am glad I got to experience this.

I know I have probably said this so many times but I am going to say it all one last time because I would like to have everybody share the same experiences I have. Volleyball is such an amazing sport. Anybody can do it if they really set their minds to it. It is not a very hard sport to grasp the concept of. My sister did not know anything about volleyball but then she started coming to all my games for school volleyball and then I taught her the basic things of volleyball and now she wants to try out for the school team. See it is as easy that. You can go so far with playing volleyball. When I am mad or sad I just grab a volleyball and go hit outside. It takes my mind off everything else. Volleyball isnt always serious, it can be very fun. I hope after all my blogging you have learned a thing or two. I really liked doing this. Happy wishes to you all.

-Sabrina :)